New suit, new style, new year. Let's go!
Stay up,
Eve of a new year
Spoken Word Sunday: Intelect
Translation Tuesday: "Ch-" Sounds
Happy Humbugs
Translation Tuesday: Twin (Kambal)
FREE SWAG THURSDAY: Christmas Edition!
Teka muna...
Spoken Word Sunday: Under Pressure
This might take a while...
Modifying, modernizing the Baybayin is a debated issue between some writers. Some don’t see a problem with using the Spanish modification by placing a + sign under a character to cancel out a vowel, but some do. It is both right and wrong at the same time, depending on who you are…yeah, it’s vague. I am a traditional practitioner that has evolved to include a variation of it by placing a kudlit above and below the character. I didn’t make it up, I saw it someplace and had an “error 404” episode.And in case Wordpress gets wonky on me, here's the reply comment I (tried to) put up:
Does that mean I condone the use of cancellation kudlits? Yes, to some extent, but I will not bastardize the writing system just because of an individuals ignorance. If anything, I hate seeing transliterations that are blatantly wrong because either the writer or the person wearing the script just didn’t take the time to research and ask questions. There is no “system restore” for this mishap.
Very insightful and well put!
I do believe that modernization of Baybayin is the way to go, however, who would be responsible for doing so? Who should be held responsible to commit to the task of amending a writing system? The Baybayin artists? The tribesmen that still use an iteration of it? The Philippine government? College professors, academics and intellectuals? Consider a similar scenario in which the increasing Spanish-speaking population in America may one day deem it necessary to add the Enye (~n) letter to the American alphabet. Who would be responsible in doing so? And how would such an amendment be standardized throughout the country? Then how would this be distributed to the academic institutions? I suppose one can look at the politics behind the redefinition of Pluto no longer being a planet and being made into public intellect as a reference.
I understand that several Baybayin writers have tried to modernize the Baybayin script by adding new characters to express modern phonetics as well as reconfiguring the kudlits to become more expressive; however, I feel like most of these changes were done independently by the individual Baybayin writer thus becoming unlikely to be held as a standard. Without a cohesive agreement from the "Baybayin community", I think it would be difficult to bring forward a modern Baybayin character set if there are too many individual variations.
I think to successfully modernize Baybayin, several things must take place: First, a committee should be formed to discuss, debate, document and deliberate all Baybayin-related matters. By unifying efforts and collecting opinions, insights, and perspectives, macro-level changes of a writing system could have a stronger foundation to be built upon. Second, the 17 Basic character system should have it's character strokes finalized and standardized to be recognized by the Baybayin community; The problem with making changes to Baybayin I feel is that because of regional, stylistic and individual differences, it can be difficult to communicate the same idea when many are unsure if the character they're writing is founded on a standard character face. But once this has been defined, standardized, documented and distributed, I truly believe that modernization of Baybayin will be a much smoother, calculated and designed process.
As to what we do with this new Baybayin system is a discussion for another time...
Baybayin Modern
Black Friday
Translation Tuesday: Happy Thanksgiving!
Giving thanks, getting turkey
Spoken Word Sunday: They Say...
The count is up...
Flirts With Shirts
Translation Tuesday: Filipino Pride
We win, I lose...
Death March
Translation Tuesday: Aimee
Spoken Word Sunday: Abet Speaks
I see I.D.
That New New'
Cheat Sheet
Translation Tuesday: Mabuhay
Freaky Friday
Smokin' Mama
Accented Identity
Today Carlos and Marisa picked up the new Filipino Student Association t-shirts just in time for the Filipino Americans Coming Together (FACT) Conference at the University of Illinois!
A big thank you to David Lazaro for creating the coat of armor design and X-Printwear for the great print job!
Indiana Banga
P.O.W.E.R. Up