This week, I didnt have the drive to memorize any of my recent pieces, and I dont make it a habit of reading my pieces. Why? When I was with my spoken word crew, The Haraka Writers, my mentor Khari the Discopoet revealed to us the cardinal and unwritten rules of spoken word, one of them being to always memorize your piece, as spoken word is a PERFORMANCE ART, not a recitation session
So with this in mind, I invited my brother in rhyme, Stimey, to join in on some freestyle spoken word poetry! Stimeys more of the rapper type, as I often dance the line of rapper and spoken word head, so dont sweat the technique. But this was a lot of fun, and I might just do it again soon! What you see here is our second round of the cipher. The first round, I got the word "clouds" and I gave him "art." It didn't go so well...
This time around, the word I get is "Emotion."
The word I give Stimey is "Drunk girl at a club."
I had alot of fun, but as always, we went back doing what we normally do. That hiphop sh*t:
LASTLY, Saturday night I went to the USC Pilipino Culture Night (PCN). I will honestly tell you... their Muslim culture dances were OFF THE DAMN CHAIN! I was blown away! The main play was OK, I was a bit upset that they didn't have the usual TWIST in the end (I expected the father to be gay, or at least have a really young wife, or mail ordered or something...) but the DOPE DANCES just outshined it all! No disrespect to my midwest fam, but yall are MILES away from even SEEIN them!
There was this 15 minute routine that they had which combined many of the Muslim dances into one long piece. I was sad that I only caught 11 minutes of it, and my memory card got ate up right before they were about to get really into it at the tinikling section... Here's 1 of 3 videos that I've captured. The other 2 you'll have to wait for the upload to finish. Seriously... PROPS!
JUST WAIT till I post up Part 1 and 2 of the Muslim piece... it's... RIDICULOUS. And my cousin informed me that the Bayanihan cultural dance crew started in USC, so it was no wonder really that they got on some next level tip.
No one on the corner gives swag like cyph! I'm working on those 10 pieces of hand-made swag that I set myself up for last Thursday. So stay up!
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