I have to say, I almost forgot how sh*tty the international side of LAX was. Medical masks was a common site among the Asian passengers. Even saw a white lady with one.
Immigrations into Philippines Airport is easy... maybe too easy
Baboy (Swine) flu is rampant... but don't believe the hype.
My cousin Kyrk from the Bay, getting his (toe) nails did. The dollar goes along way out there...
Emba(ssy). It was like the first scene in Blade... without the blood and killing.
Baybayin still isn't well known in the P.I., but at least the Ka symbol is used in a national organization's logo
Much has changed since the last time I was in the P.I., which was about 11 years ago. Reconstruction is everywhere, condos are hot shit, and printed billboards cover the cities and creep into the provinces. In the city, they're used to sometimes cover up the shanty houses. In the provinces, they show promises of development. But really, are western houses the solution to the problems of a province?
I was really in th PI to participate at my cousin's wedding, held in Tagaytay. Beautiful place. Up in the mountains, by the grand lake and ancient volcano, the view was breath taking.
Girlies gettin done up
Wedding reception. Stay designin, stay writin
On the way back to Manila, we get stopped at a construction block. In the Philippines, every construction product has GMA's face all over it, and her name. This was a road construction product, and the sign says something similar to "GMA cares: GMA's Road Reconstruction". The thing is, this is all funded by tax payer's money anyways, and is allocated by reconstruction coordinators, much line it is in America. So imagine the absurdity if EVERY construction project in America said "Barrack Obama's Freeway Construction Project"...
Trinoma. Probably the biggest, most useless mall for men's shopping. Clothes in the PI cost just as much as back in the states, and sometimes more.
Perhaps the best looking print ad I've seen in the PI. I absolutely love how the woman character is BROWN, and highlighted because of her color stands out among the harmony. Most live models are desaturated and lightened up to look white, but the Photoshoppers in the PI are boo-boo, and everyone just looks washed out in the billboards... except for the select few.
Jeepney hustle
From wedding to funeral. Buses to the province of Peneranda
The desire to have white skin is apparent in any supermarket isle; be it the city or the province.
Live video chat via Wi-Fi internet connection. The province has changed since I last was there.
I'll see you later, Lola...
The graffiti scene in the PI is awful. It's almost non existent, but seeing as how spray paint is hard to come by, I guess I see why. However, when you do see graffiti, writers write their actual names! You'll see scrawls like "Lawrence" or "David"... and they're in the most toy hand styles ever. Also, for some reason everyone puts "X3" or "13" by their names, like they're a Mexi-gang from L.A... if only they knew.
I'm willing to say that "Cras" isn't from the Philippines...
Rain season
Since the rain causes crazy traffic, my cousin and I decided to use the MRT train to get to Ayala station (Makati). It was great! Simple to use, cheap as hell, fast and air conditioned...
Ayala station
Another great thing about PI is how bars and clubs don't really close until everyone leaves! Also, there are plenty of 24-hour eat spots. Rufo's was dirt cheap, but you just gotta put up with everyone smoking
Chopped it up with this guy:
Went to the Laguna hot springs and chilled for a sec...
CLEVER! Sign for women's bathroom. Something I would've done...
Wherever club or bar you go, it doesn't matter if it's crackin or not, you'll always find an old white guy with young pinays... and it's not cause they all got crazy game or anything either...
Funny enough, Filipina girls dance in a VERY distinct way... they... maintain a "distance". It's cool cause it's not imposing, but even after you guys talk, they still don't grind. And if they do, it's not like they're gonna push you down to the ground like the ladies of the states... oh, this one girl had me home sick...
Last day in the PI, went to a pinoy restaraunt at Greenbelt. In the PI, KKK is a good thing...
So in the P.I., you're not supposed to small-talk/talk to the hired help, you're supposed to treat them like servants or robots. But this store reminded me so much of home, that I just had to say wassup to the girls working the counters, and they didn't weird out about it at all. They small talked back, and it was all love...
My cousin Jorel would tell me that it was something special they did for me...
All in all, 11 days in the PI wasn't enough, but it'll have to do. Very humbling experience. Seeing the poverty, seeing the beauty, the people, culture, and everything just made sense in reference of how your parents, aunties and uncle act and talk about the PI. Though I'm American born and raised, it really does make sense when they say going to the PI is "going home". The PI is beautiful, scars and skin. There's plenty of opportunity out there, and unlike America, where you practically pay for the air you breathe, the PI makes one appreciate what we have. Time moves slower out there, and I'm fine with the rolling stride... if you've never been, NOW is the time to go! If it's been a while, NOW is the time to go! You gotta see it to believe it.
Taiwan International... "Bawal umihi dito" lol.
Stay up,
1 comment:
Looks like you had a great time. Depending on finances, i might be headin' there this Dec. Really excited.
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