The Bathala Project

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rule #4080...

"...Record company people are shadyyyy." ~Q-tip

First of all, to all the people coming to this site looking for your pictures, I'm sorry to inform you that I'm NOT a club photographer.  I'm a Baybayin Artist... that sometimes takes photographs of people at clubs and hand them my business card, which brings them to my website.  Clever promotion, no?  But I'll still post up your pictures, don't worry.

Went to club Area last night, as The Dream was promoting his new album, thus performing on stage with cameo appearances by Fabolous and Kanye.  Unfortunately, I was stuck behind a massive crowd of people that had no clue what they were doing with their cameras...



And now that the obligatory pictures are out of the way, it's time for a new edition of The Faux-Club Photographer series. Well, since it was a music-industry thing, everybody, anybody, and wannabe-anybodys in the music business were in the building. I could've been getting drinks spilled on me by some nameless rapper for all I knew. But as far as the Fil-Am community goes, our attention lately has been centered on America's Best Dance Crew, simply because of the high presence of Fil-Am's on TV because of the show. Lucky me, ABDC heads were in the house. Why? No clue.

Super Cr3w showing support. Homie Ian on the left hooked it up with getting in, so expect to see him in a few more pics. The Super Cr3w brothas were cool though. But I guess it's because they thought we worked for the club or something. Homie was like "I love what you're doing, keep continuing to build." Word to big bird.



There were many lovely ladies in the house that night, but I was really looking for girls to pose for my Baybayin-manips. No dice yet, just fly sets.




Homie Ian and the hookup crew



Beat Freaks. They were nice. I met one of them outside; she's either polite and reserved, or annoyed and silent (with a nice smile). I was hoping to do a Baybayin-manip on them as well, but alas, no clear strips of skin to write on.  I wonder if they chuck a deuce at me 'cause I'm Asian?  That's RACIST!  lol


The club was PACKED. Which led to people brushing up against people hard. I don't mind as long as you say EXCUSE ME. But if you're just gonna stomp on people's shoes and push past them? Ya finna get SLAPPED


Quest Crew dudes were cool. Homegirl fucked the picture up. She kinda reminds me of my friend Elise... only darker. Nice.


Respect to the Quest brotha on the right for rockin LETTERS


But diss for brushing past and making a lady spill some of her drink on both her dress and my pants without a word of courtesy.


Go-go gadget dance


LASTLY, the picture (the website followers) have all been waiting for, the Baybayin Manip. The word of the day is "wala" (pronounced wah-lah), meaning "nothing". Why write "nothing"? Notice how everyone gives a nice smile? And who didn't get the smile memo? Homegirl with nothing on her lips but lipstick and a kiss.


Now that we're out of the club, 86 the pretty gloss blur. The true celebs of any Hollywood club were on their grind:


But REAL L.A. heads know the BUSINESS:


Big ass torta. Yezzir.

P1030350 stampless copy

The winners of free-swag Thursday are being sent their swag, or it will be sent soon.  Also, have a new canvas piece done, that will probably be posted Saturday.  And lastly, Spoken Word Sunday is still on with a piece from the homie DJ Stimey... watch out now!

Stay up,



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